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Parking Authority | Anizu Gallery

Parking Authority

by BoomMike

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She's obnoxious, angry, entitled, and ready to get in a driver's face about a parking spot.
Date uploaded to YouTube: 2024-03-25


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@mr-lacker: I know her. She's my neighbour

@babyblue125: Her dress-up, where can i get my hands on her dress-up.
From muvizu, or somewhere else ?

->@boommikeland: I've gotten some costumes and props (when I haven't made them0 from from a variety of sources but the main ones are along with two groups on FaceBook: Zuchat and the Muvizu User Group.

->@mr-lacker: @@boommikeland Can you share some? because this site doesn't have it now?

->@babyblue125: Thank you!@@boommikeland

->@boommikeland: @@mr-lackera lot of the costumes I got by going to and joining the forum there where some people posted costumes that they made. It's not up to me to share other people's work. I have uploaded some scenes and assets to those other links where you can find more of the same, many much better than mine.

@channamation: Love it! Sad thing is, there are many people like her in this world. 😂

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