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Remember (Walking in the Sand) cover version | Anizu Gallery

Remember (Walking in the Sand) cover version

by Scrooge18

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On January 19, 2024, Mary Weiss (the lead singer of The Shangri-Las) died at the age of 75. Her death was a shock to all her fans. To pay respect to such a wonderful pioneer in Rock Music, I created this video. Although I cannot create the look of Mary and the Ganser twins (her backup singers, also deceased) I hope to capture the feeling of this wonderful singer. This is my humble way to pay respect to such a great artist and to say goodbye to a wonderful singer/person. R.I.P. Mary. Though your voice is forever silenced, your memory will live on forever. #maryweiss #shangrilas #animation #animationvideo #muvizu #tribute #walkinginthsand #heartbroken
Date uploaded to YouTube: 2024-01-31


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