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👁️‍🗨️Firesign Theatre - Nick Danger in "Lost Gals (Epilogue)" | Anizu Gallery

👁️‍🗨️Firesign Theatre - Nick Danger in "Lost Gals (Epilogue)"

by bigwally

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Well, it took a while. Whatever could go wrong, DID go wrong. But, it's finished. The wrap-up to the "Lost Gals" series.
Date uploaded to YouTube: 2020-06-20


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@ziggy72: Well done on finishing it - hope you don't disappear off into the Canadian sun :)

->@BigWallyFilms: No, just better organized. Having lost all my efforts, twice, I was really hesitant to start it all again. But I did, however, my old trusty video editor decided to go wonky and won't do (true) HD anymore. Shopping for a new editor.

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