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Guess It's Time | Anizu Gallery

Guess It's Time

by Scrooge18

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Two years ago Steve and I started working on what would be a six video romantic episode between Will Conway and Sarah Newton. The first being ‘Dance followed by ‘Walk With Me’. With the popularity of these two videos, we then began to work on ‘I’d Like To’ and ‘Magic Fireflies’ After a year, we worked on ‘Better Change Your Ways’ The final Chapter is ‘Guess It’s Time’ It is said “What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger” Sadly, not all relationships last. Will has to come to terms that the girl he loved has moved on. With broken heart, he watches as the marriage he envisioned with Sarah has come to an end. He remembers fondly the relationship and happier times, but now is devastated watching someone taking his place along side of Sarah It is a sad song, but I am sure many have experienced this type of heartache. #animation #animationvideo #muvizu #heartbroken #cartoon #goodbye #goodbye #brokenheart #tragedy #loveandloss #longingforyou #cheating #cheatinginrelationships #brokenheartstatus #broken_heart #broken_heart_status #lessoninlife #lessoninlove
Date uploaded to YouTube: 2024-03-15


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@ClassRoutinesRENEEsFunClips: Breaking up is a hard story and your did a great animated way of telling it ,,,,,,,,,greetings Renee

->@channamation: Thank you. We really appreciate your kind words.

@geoffclarkson6292: Brilliant

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